Bernard Aubertin (Courtefontaine, east of France) founded his firm in 1978. He learned his skills at firms like Haertmann, Bourgarel, Muhleisen. His activities comprise both restoration of old organs and construction of new organs. Within his company, Michel Gaillard is responsible for the restoration projects. He built the organ of Saint-Louis-en-l'Ile (2004) and restored the organ of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet (2014). Quentin Blumenroeder (*1971) founded his company La Manufacture d'orgues et de clavecin Blumenroeder in 1998, located at Haguenau since 2007. He learned his skills at the organ firms of Rémy Mahler (Pfaffenhoffen), Bernard Aubertin (Courtefontaine) and Émile Jobin, builder of cembalo’s (Paris). He is specialized in the construction of new, historically orientated instruments, copies of old instruments and the restoration of historical organs. He restored the organ of St. Séverin (2011) and rebuilt the organ of Eglise Protestante Unie Bastille-Foyer de l'Ame(2009). Cattiaux - ChevronBernard Cogez (*1952) learned is skills at the firms of Delmotte and Loridan. He created his firm in 1979. He built the organs of Notre-Dame-des-Foyers (2001); Saint François d’Assise (2008).DargassiesFossaertGerhard Grenzing (*1942) completed his training as an organ builder at the Rudolf von Beckerath workshop in Hamburg. Between 1967 and 1972, he was devoted to the restoration and partial "rescue" of the organs in Majorca. He founded his own workshop in El Papiol near Barcelona in the mid-seventies. For the past 25 years, his son and daughter have worked for the company, Daniel
Grenzing as voicer and Natalie Grenzing as head of the company’s management department. Gerhard Grenzing is now handing over the management of the company to his son and daughter. He built the organs of Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional Salle Alain (1996) and Maison de Radio-France (2015).LacorreAlain Léon (*1960) learned his skills from Yves Sévére and started his own company in 1994. He restored the organ of Saint-Pierre-du-Montrougeand will be restoring the organ of the Chapelle des Spiritains. MuhleisenPels-DhondtLaurent Plet (*1956) learned his skills from J. G. et Y Koenig and started his own company in 1983. He worked on the organ of Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois(2008) and Saint-Maurice de Becon (2015).Pascal Quoirin (*1948) completed his apprenticeship with Alain Sals and founded his own company in 1970 in Saint-Didier. His company specialises in the construction of new organs as well as the restoration of old organs. He is notably the author of the restoration of the famous organ of Dom Bedos in Ste Croix de Bordeaux. He is in the process of handing over his business to his son Raphael, who is a graduate of the CNFA in Eschau.His activities comprise both restoration of old organs (Notre-Dame-de-Paris) and construction of new organs (Saint-Ferdinand-des-Ternes (1995). RiegerJean-Pascal Villard (*1954) learned his skills at the Boisseau, Walcker, Ismayer and Garhammer workshops and started his own company in 1986. He restores old organs and constructs new organs. He worked on the organ of Saint-Germain-de-Charonne.v
BernardAubertin(Courtefontaine,eastofFrance)foundedhis firmin1978.HelearnedhisskillsatfirmslikeHaertmann, Bourgarel,Muhleisen.Hisactivitiescomprisebothrestorationof oldorgansandconstructionofneworgans.Withinhiscompany, MichelGaillardisresponsiblefortherestorationprojects.Hebuilt theorganofSaint-Louis-en-l'Ile(2004)andrestoredtheorganof Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet (2014). QuentinBlumenroeder(*1971)foundedhiscompanyLa Manufactured'orguesetdeclavecinBlumenroederin1998,locatedat Haguenausince2007.Helearnedhisskillsattheorganfirmsof RémyMahler(Pfaffenhoffen),BernardAubertin(Courtefontaine) andÉmileJobin,builderofcembalo’s(Paris).Heisspecializedinthe constructionofnew,historicallyorientatedinstruments,copiesof oldinstrumentsandtherestorationofhistoricalorgans.He restoredtheorganofSt.Séverin(2011)andrebuilttheorganof Eglise Protestante Unie Bastille-Foyer de l'Ame (2009). Bernard CattiauxOlivierChevron(*1967)workedatthefirmofJean-LoupBoisseaubeforehecreatedhisownfirmin2002.Hisactivitiescompriseboth constructionandrestoration,inspiratedbyhistoricinstruments whilerespectingtheneedsoftheorganistoftheXXIthcentury.He builttheorganoftheChapelleNotre-DameduSaintSacrement (2017).BernardCogez(*1952)learnedisskillsatthefirmsofDelmotte andLoridan.Hecreatedhisfirmin1979.Hebuilttheorgansof Notre-Dame-des-Foyers (2001); Saint François d’Assise (2008).DargassiesFossaertGerhardGrenzing(*1942)completedhistrainingasanorgan builderattheRudolfvonBeckerathworkshopinHamburg. Between1967and1972,hewasdevotedtotherestorationand partial"rescue"oftheorgansinMajorca.Hefoundedhisown workshopinElPapiolnearBarcelonainthemid-seventies.Forthe past25years,hissonanddaughterhaveworkedforthecompany, DanielGrenzingasvoicerandNatalieGrenzingasheadofthe company’smanagementdepartment.GerhardGrenzingisnow handingoverthemanagementofthecompanytohissonand daughter.HebuilttheorgansofConservatoireàRayonnement Régional Salle Alain (1996) and Maison de Radio-France (2015).LacorreAlainLéon(*1960)learnedhisskillsfromYvesSévéreandstarted hisowncompanyin1994.HerestoredtheorganofSaint-Pierre-du-MontrougeandwillberestoringtheorganoftheChapelledes Spiritains. MuhleisenPels-DhondtLaurentPlet(*1956)learnedhisskillsfromJ.G.etYKoenigand startedhisowncompanyin1983.HeworkedontheorganofSaint-Germain-l'Auxerrois (2008) and Saint-Maurice de Becon (2015).PascalQuoirin(*1948)learnedhisskillsfromAlainSalsand foundedhisownfirmin1976.Hisactivitiescompriseboth restorationofoldorgans(Notre-Dame-de-Paris)andconstruction of new organs (Saint-Ferdinand-des-Ternes (1995). RiegerJean-PascalVillard(*1954)learnedhisskillsattheBoisseau, Walcker,IsmayerandGarhammerworkshopsandstartedhisown companyin1986.Herestoresoldorgansandconstructsnew organs. He worked on the organ of Saint-Germain-de-Charonne.Other buildersBack